NBA players and their weird phobias

Royce White has aerophobia which means Fear Of Flying In Airplanes

Nick Young is a good offensive player but not good in front of Dolphins, as the Warriors star fears the dolphins the most!

Damian Lillard has a natural apprehension for Statues.

2 time NBA champ & one of the greatest scorers Kevin Durant has a fear of taking basketball for granted.

Shaquille O’Neal a Big Shark-like personality, Fears the Shark most.

LeBron James hates losing & his fear has made him King James today, he has Fear Of Failure.

Kobe Bryant a.k.a Terminator of NBA had more of a superstition than a fear as he couldn't get past by dog poop.

NBA legend Michael Jordan has Aquaphobia, Fear Of Water/Swimming.

So, do you have any phobia like these NBA players! Today

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